Smart Skills: Scheduling WattBox Outlet Power Events

Video Transcript:

Sometimes your customers want power, and sometimes they simply don’t. For example, wouldn’t it be nice to turn off the power outlet to a TV when a customers’ kids are supposed to be studying, and on again when study time is over?

Using WattBox and OvrC, scheduling power outlet events like this is easy. Let’s show you how.

There are three simple steps in scheduling a power event for your WattBox device.

First, plan the power event.

Second, login in to OvrC and configure the device.

Third, create the power event schedule.

Step 1 is to plan the power event.

One great reason to plan a power cycle schedule is to make a device unavailable at a specific time. For example a customer may not want their children to watch TV from 4-5 PM every day- this is homework time. In this case, you would plan two scheduled power events; a power off command at 4 PM on weekdays, and a power-on command at 5 PM.

Another example might include holiday lights that you wanted to be on during the evenings, but not on all night.

The plan you make would be to turn them on at 6 PM, and off again at 10 PM.

With a plan in place of which outlet you’d like to control and when, you’re ready to complete the task.

Step two, login to OvrC and configure the device.

In a browser tab, type, press return, and enter your credentials.

Locate the customer site, and then locate your customer’s WattBox device.

To help you avoid confusion, click CONFIGURE, then Outlet Options, to name each outlet with a reference to the device it powers.

The final task is to create the power event schedule.

From the WattBox device control in OvRC click SCHEDULE, then ADD NEW SCHEDULE.

In the SCHEDULE NAME text box, type a schedule name…let’s call ours HOMEWORK TIME.

Select the TV power outlet checkbox.

Next, in the Outlet Actions section, select the outlet action you want- in this case Turn Off is the best option, because you want the outlet to power off.

Select the frequency…. a one-time event can be scheduled, but for this activity select Repeat.

For the days, select each day, Monday through Friday and the select 4:00 PM for the schedule time.

Click SAVE.

Now follow the same steps to create another schedule that will turn the TV outlet back on, every Monday through Friday, at 5 PM.

You would follow the same process to create a holiday light schedule.

And there you go…no power when you don’t want it, and power when you do.